In the past, honey was consumed as is, in its natural state. Extracting it destroyed the nest and also made the honey contain impurities and residues of wax. Today, the use of an extractor makes it possible to get honey without damaging the honeycomb, while also recovering almost all the […]
Harvesting Honey
Quick tips, facts, and tutorials about harvesting honey, from lessons we’ve learned along the way.
Read more about the best tools for harvesting honey, quick tips to improve your methods, and novel harvesting ideas.
We research and review the best tools for the job, utilising the wealth of knowledge and experience fellow beekeepers discuss online, in the hope that our work takes a little risk and pressure from your purchasing decisions. From the best uncapping knifes, to the best honey extractors, we gather as much information and user experiences as we can to help ease the buying process for our readers.
Explore tips we come across to help maximise your honey yield, or make the process easier, as we know that harvesting honey can be a lot of work!
Read about new ways we’ve seen beekeepers harvest honey, from novel techniques, to new equipment like the flow hive, we write about innovations that may change the way we work.
How to use a bee smoker
How to Use a Bee Smoker As a beekeeper, there are several tools that you must use to keep your hive in perfect shape. One of them is a bee smoker. Even with the gentlest bees, you still need to have a smoker nearby. You’ll probably realize that you need […]